Installing Your Rug Pad
After your Rug Pad USA package has arrived, follow these 6 simple steps and you'll be enjoying all the benefits of your new rug pad in no time.
STEP 1: Clean the Floor
Clean the floor first to maximize the efficiency of your rug pad.
STEP 2: Open Package
Open your Rug Pad USA box carefully with a pair of household scissors or a box cutter.
STEP 3: Remove Rug Pad
Remove the rug pad from the box and take off the plastic wrapping.
STEP 4: Unroll Rug Pad
Place the rug pad where you want your rug to be and unroll.
STEP 5: Unroll Rug
Line up the edges of your rug with the rug pad and unroll the rug overtop.
STEP 6: Adjust Accordingly
Make sure the rug is lying flush on top of the pad and fix any buckles or wrinkles.
Note: Read on if you're unsure Which Side of the Rug Pad Goes Down
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